Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research literature related to the health needs of this client Essay

Research literature related to the health needs of this client - Essay Example To this end, the reported struggling history of infections is justified by the health profile to compel a strict treatment regime. His reservations leading up to discontinuation of ART cannot facilitate success in the treatment. Such positions will occasion hepatitis liver deterioration that will affect other drug metabolism requirements. The end-stage status of Mr. X’s liver infection compounds the complexity of therapy requirements needed for the presenting challenges. Assuming that the treatment regime prescribed to Mr. X has both elements for HIV and HBV treatment, the patient must continue with the prescription. The impacts of discontinuation can occasion severe coinfection to the already weakened health status and cause death. According to Carosi et al. (2008), current regimes targeted for HBV reduce progression of related liver complications significantly. The authors held that most coinfections from poor countries progress to mortality due to lack of parallel treatment of both infections and lack of efficient care. The high probability of progression of HBV among HIV patients requires strict treatment regimes that can prevent liver failure and related immunity complications. Appropriate treatment regimes must be continued to prevent the development of drug resistant strains of the virus causing the coinfection (Reiberger et al. 2012). Apparently, discontinuation of drugs before completion of the prescribed dosage presents grounds for the dev elopment of resistance. Since viral susceptibility to drugs remains elusive, patients must be assisted to follow their prescriptions. The healthcare attendant serving Mr. X must help cultivate positivity to support adherence to drug administration. According to Benhamou (2004), the appropriate medical regime to handle Mr. X’s condition must contain Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART). Aware of the vulnerability of the HIV positive patients to HBV, treatment options contain the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Experiment in Proxemics Essay Example for Free

Experiment in Proxemics Essay Proxemics as a terminology is a form of non-verbal communication. It deals with the structuring of the distance/space that exists between individuals while communicating with each other. Edward hall argued that the distance between people while communicating goes a long way to determine interpretation of messages and the meaning of messages being sent. On the other hand, kinesics is a concept under proxemics that deals with the use of body movements and gestures in non-verbal communication. In this experiment, I made a study of the difference between the use of kinesics and proxemics among different genders. In my first research, i choose a nearby basket ball court as a specimen. The group comprises of fifteen males. I noticed that in this group, kinesics was typified. The players communicated more through body movements and although there were occasional physical contacts most of the communication was via gestures. In addition to this, i choose the cheerleading group as a specimen of study representing the female group. Unlike what i noticed at the basketball court, there was more physical contact and more body movements. The use of space here was minimal as compared to what i noticed of the group that was predominantly male. Finally, i chose the choir in my church as my object of study because both genders are fully represented. Here, i noticed that there was more space and less use of body movements. Apart from this, there were fewer physical contacts. From the result of my study, i conclude that there are gender differences in proxemics. This might be due to the physiological makeup of both genders. Apart from this, i believe there could be an explanation from the cultural perspective, in that the male specie is often seen as the reserved and tougher specie while the feminine specie is seen as more flexible and accommodating. Reference: Mulvaney, B. (1994) Gender Differences in Communication: An Intercultural Experience http://www. cpsr. org/cpsr/gender/mulvaney. txt

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Friendship Essay: The Qualities of a Best Friend -- friendship essay, m

Surely, everyone is fond of the idea of friendship. In fact, to most people living on this earth believe that friends are the most important part of their lives. There have been lots of sayings, quotes, movies and music about the theme, friendship; and this also impacted many people in the way they see the idea of having friends and that it is worthwhile to have someone to rely on. The importance of friendship cannot just be forgotten like a snap of one’s fingers. It has stuck on to the minds of people through movies, such as ‘Harry Potter’ and TV series, like ‘Friends’. Indeed, throughout the centuries, these shows and movies has really proven that friends are not someone one wants, but they are someone one needs. However, other adults strongly disagree with the idea of friendship being an important matter. It is even possible to say that adults do not have as many friends and consider the concept of friendship as such an important part because of the way their lives are structured. To begin with, most of the adults’ jobs are related to their jobs. It is the office or the workplace, they spend most of their time, and it is the colleagues, they spend most of their time interacting with. In other words, they do not have much time to socialize with other friends of their own. In contrast, not everyone can be a friend of others. Although people can be friends just by introducing themselves and greeting each other, that kind of friendship will not last for long. In fact, when looking at the concept of friendship in depth, the theme can be separated into two parts. One can basically have two kinds of friends, ‘good friends’ and ‘best friends’. Obviously, they are ‘friends’ for same purposes, but the difference lie underneath the ... to give possible solutions to get over with the problem. Thus, everyone from these types can certainly be a good friend. However, only ‘life partners’ can be best friends. The people from the work place will probably have lives and families of their own; and the classmates will not do any good. Once a student graduates from a college, it is likely that they will not be in contact with the people they will to university with. Plus, it is hard to find them because they have separated to different parts of the world seeking for jobs. In addition, how close can people be friends with people from the street? And how much will they know about each other? So, there is really one person who is there for people if they are in need of company. Once married, it is their duty to care for one another and help them in any way they can and that is also the role of friends.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Morgan Components IESE MBA Case Report Essay

  The Director of the European Interior Components Product Line Team of Morgan Components Company, Sean O’Fearna is facing a difficult decision. He needs to respond to the price reduction request on a door panel project, which would take-off in six months. The initial contract was signed at a price of 90 euros between Asiacar and Plasticom. Morgan Components took ownership of the contract, as it acquired the Clondalkin plant of Plasticom. The project was seen infeasible by Morgan Components executives, even before the price reduction. Therefore, first a unit based cost breakdown analysis was applied. It was observed that with the current production processes, the minimum price that Morgan Components could afford was 80 euros. Then the possible process improvements and cost reduction alternatives were analyzed and redesigning the door panel to reduce its features was identified as a must. The other two alternatives of reducing scrap and in-house production of X-27 had their own shortcomings like high initial investments and going against company policies, and therefore should only be applied if the price was restricted to very low levels. (e.g. at 73 euros Alternative of reducing features should be supported by reducing scrap to maintain profitability. For all the price levels below 72 euros, all three measures should be taken) Then, the auto industry was analyzed with regards to the purchasing regimes in the first years of a new launched product. The outcome was that even a failure product driven to market by Asiacar would necessitate Asiacar to buy at least 30,000 units of door panels in total. (A moderate success would result in the purchase of 100,000 to 200,000 units and a real success would take the sales number of Morgan Components up to 300,000 units.) In the light of this analysis a comparison of worst case scenarios were made. The result showed that even in the worst case scenario of going on with the Asiacar contract, Morgan Components would be better off than canceling the contract. Moreover, a series of arguments were prepared for Sean O’Fearna to present his seniors within Morgan Components to convince them on this argument and  get permission to go on with Asiacar contract. Financial situation and the diversification policy of Morgan Components, under capacity production of the Clondalkin Plant and the importance of Asiacar as a client were among these. Then a price range was provided to Sean O’Fearna before his negotiations with Asiacar. He should keep the price at a level between 75 to 81 euros not to forgo the contract, while maintaining profitability. To be able to achieve this, the credibility of the Japanese supplier threat was argued and the risk of changing suppliers for Asiacar was quantified as 5 to 7 euros. Besides, counting on the fact that Clondalkin had the rights to redesign the door panels for Europe up to now, and Asiacar had already invested 2 million to Clondalkin redesigns, the Japanese threat was further diluted. However, these arguments would not mean much without Sean being able to put them clearly on the table during negotiations. Therefore a clear negotiation action plan was outlined in order for Sean to persuade Asiacar to carry on with the contract at a price level of 78, which would reduce the risk on Morgan Components and may even provide a profit of 1.8 million euros in the best case scenario, while, on the other hand, providing Asiacar a savings potential of 3.6 million euros. Problem Statement & Alternatives The main problem Sean O’Fearna is facing in the Morgan Components Case Study is that he needs to give a response to the 25% price reduction request of Asiacar. This reduction is requested on a door panel contract, for which some investments are already made and the process is to be started in six months. Sean is concerned about the potential losses that may arise after this price reduction, and the potential risks of canceling the whole contract. First of all Sean needs to decide on whether to carry on with the contract or cancel it right away, analyzing the cost structure of the door panels. Moreover, he may need to choose a way to modify his production processes to  reduce his costs. Afterwards, if he decides to carry on with the contract, he will need to decide on a minimum price that he may afford and come up with a price range, mutually acceptable for both Asiacar (AC) and Morgan Components (MC). Since Sean himself is not in a position in the organizational structure of MC to decide on such a critical issue all by himself, he will need to discuss the upcomings with his own superiors, before starting a negotiation with AC. In this context, he has to identify the strengths of his arguments that he should draw on during his dialogues with both MC executives and AC representatives. Criteria: All the decisions Sean needs to take are constrained in five main criteria, all of which will be taken into consideration to provide a framework for the analysis. First of all is the risk of canceling the contract right away. Since some investments has already been made and considering the Clondalkin Plant running with 60% capacity currently, quitting the contract will require firing some workers and in total incurring a non-recoverable loss of 3 million euros. Second important aspect is the profitability of the AC contract. Taking into account the potential risks contained within the structure of the contract, the cost structure of the door panel production should be re-analyzed to determine the maximum potential profit and potential losses that may occur at the end of the contract period. Third criterion is the MC organizational structure and corporate strategy. The organizational structure will affect the decisive ability of Sean himself and the possibility of that a certain modification in the cost allocation structure of the contract may be applied. Moreover, alternative cost cutting methods should be analyzed with regards to the strategies of  the company. The fourth key point is AC as a company and its current condition. The relations of MC with AC and the significance of AC to MC as a strategic client have important impact on the decisions of both Sean and the senior management of MC, who are seeking for diversification. Furthermore, the Japanese Supplier threat put forward by AC should be analyzed in the context of AC being in weak financial situation and currently running a revival plan. Finally, Sean and his relationship with the Clondalkin Plant and the Clondalkin town should regularly be considered during analysis, in the sense that he may not yet be able to think unbiased from MC’s side, since he has worked for long years at Clondalkin before MC bought the plant. Analyses of Alternatives in the Framework of Relevant Criteria: 1. To carry on with Asiacar contract or to cancel it right away The first issue to observe before making this decision for Sean is to figure out the losses the company is going to face. It is clearly stated in the case that the company is going to lose 3 million euros if the contract is cancelled now. So, Sean needs to check the alternative of going on with the contract and analyze the profitability of it, in order to make a net comparison. To have a better judgment of the profitability of the door panel contract, Sean first needs to analyze the costing methods of Plasticom and MC. He needs to spot out the Two main differences are in the labor costs and the corporate overheads. Assuming that wages might have been increased after the factory was bought by MC in order to increase motivation and gain worker loyalty. Moreover, since the wages might as well rise in the following five year contract period, the increased labor cost approach seems conservative, but logical. On the other hand, the corporate overheads are only an allocated portion of MC headquarters’ costs; they have no direct relation with this contract alone and do not affect the potential positive cash  flows. As Sean convinced MC executives not to consider the corporate overheads to carry on with the project before, they definitely will not be included in the analyses for such a critical decision of canceling the contract. The next step in the analysis of costs should be to decide whether AC is going to buy 300,000 units in the following five years and how the purchases will be distributed over years. It can be certainly understood from Sean’s doubts, that in the AC contract there’s no restriction for AC to buy 300,000 door panels. Also, big manufacturing companies tend to transfer market risks on to the supplier as a procurement strategy. It is often the case that if the product of a main company does not sell in the market, it is the supplier who suffers because of not being able to compensate initial investments. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze costs on per-unit base and to carefully differentiate variable costs and fixed costs. Exhibit-1 shows the recommended cost structure per unit door panel. The reason that indirect labor, maintenance and factory overheads were incurred as variable is that these costs tend to change with the volume of production and would disappear if there were not door panel production. Even factory overheads are allocated on to projects according to production volumes. So, it is obvious from Exhibit-1 that Sean cannot afford to carry on with the contract at a price of 68 euros per panel unless a cost reduction in the production process is made. Then, the decision of going on with the contract depends on the next decision step, which is; 2. To choose which alternative cost reduction methods to implement Sean has three alternative ways to reduce production costs of door panels. First of which, – now on to be called Alternative-1 – is to reduce the features of the panel design. Alternative-2 is to reduce scrap and Alternative-2 is to produce X-27 in-house. All possible combinations and outcomes of these process improvements are given in Exhibit-2. As it is seen, the Alternatives 2 and 3 are inefficient to reduce the cost below the 68-euro level. Their effect is more adequate when combined with  Alternative-1. On the other hand, the Alternatives 2 and 3 bring some shortcomings with them. First of all, Alternative-3 requires a non-strategic component to be manufactured in-house and may cause a supplier to go out of business. This is both against two critical criteria; MC corporate policies and Sean’s relations with Clondalkin. Moreover, both Alternative 2 and 3 require an increase of initial investments. This increases the risk undertaken by MC with regards to the fact that the amount of purchase and its distribution over the years is ambiguous. Exhibit-3 presents possible procurement regimes that may be followed by AC according to the success level of their new car model. A summary of Exhibit-3 may be that while a successful or moderately successful model would create a purchase of over 100,000 units of panels, the failure of AC would mean sales of below 100,000 units for MC, but particularly not below 30,000. This analysis enables us to compare worst-case scenarios and make a distinct comparison between canceling the contract and going on with it. Exhibit-4 demonstrates this comparison. According to this, it is clear that even if AC’s new model is a failure, MC would be better off by continuing with the contract with minimum condition of implementing cost reduction Alternative-1 is met. Sean should do everything he can to keep this contract, in order to minimize Clondalkin’s losses. 3. Affordable Price Range and the Effect of Price on Cost Reduction Alternatives Graph at Exhibit-5 illustrates the variation in breakeven points of the AC contract with different cost reduction alternatives at different price levels. This graph is essential in several ways: First, the minimum affordable price for MC is 72 euros, assuming that it is the probability to sell more than 300,000 units with this contract is very low. It also reveals the cons and pros of the alternative cost reduction methods. For example, if the price level is restricted to a level of 72 euros or below by AC, then the trade-offs of Alternatives 2 & 3 are less important compared to the  profitability increase they bring and both should be implemented immediately. If a price of 73 euros may be negotiated with AC, then the implementation Alternative-3 may be postponed or completely dropped due to its shortcomings and only Alternative 1 and 2 would be enough together to bring MC to a breakeven at 300,000 units. At even higher price levels, alternatives 2 and 3 lose their significance and MC may carry on the contract only with Alternative-1. However, can the price reduction request of 25% be negotiated with Asiacar? Is the Japanese threat credible? What are the arguments and strengths that Morgan Components has in hand to increase the requested price to a higher level? How important is this contract and the relationships with Asiacar for both Morgan Components and Sean himself? All these questions and more need to be answered in order to come up with a down to earth action plan that can be applied immediately to get Sean and Morgan Components out of this situation without any significant losses. Synthesis: In the light of the analysis made, my recommendation for Sean O’Fearna is to go on with the Asiacar contract with whatever means possible. This outcome is also supported by the criterion of Sean’s relationship with Clondalkin plant. He, having a strong reputation within Clondalkin, would not want to put the plant at risk by continuing at a capacity of 60% and not making decent profits. On the other hand, considering the organizational structure of Morgan Components, Sean is not at a position to take such a critical decision on his own. He needs to convince the senior executives of Morgan Components about carrying on with the contract. However, at this point, his strong relations with Clondalkin my turn out to be a disadvantage for him. Morgan Components executives, knowing Sean’s strong tie to Clondalkin may respond to this proposal biased. Therefore, Sean needs to support his arguments with fact, especially the data presented in the exhibits of this report, which clearly show that canceling the contract brings the worst possible outcome. Moreover, Sean must emphasize on the corporate vision of Morgan Components. Being 80% dependent on only one firm and being very eager about their diversification policy, creating new businesses with Asiacar has high importance of Morgan Components. Asiacar is not a completely new client for Morgan Components and the three plants of Plasticom were acquired by Morgan Components mainly to increase businesses with Asiacar. When compared to the 1.2 billion euro sales size of Morgan, the 27 million euro potential of this contract may seem small at first sight. However, at this crucial period where Morgan is trying to minimize its losses by all means, letting Asiacar down with this contract would put both current and future businesses of Morgan with Asiacar at stake. In addition to that the Asiacar contract will increase the capacity usage of the Clondalkin plant significantly from 60% to 90%. Clarifying all these critical aspects should get Sean the necessary permissions to start negotiations with Asiacar to continue business with them. The next step for Sean should be to analyze the possibility of negotiating the requested price of 68 euros with Asiacar. Greatest threat for Morgan Components is the possibility that Asiacar may transfer its supply to a Japanese supplier, which is currently supplying door panels for the Japanese version of the same Asiacar model. Nevertheless, if the nature of automotive industry is analyzed, it will be seen that most of the main manufacturers apply Just-In-Time production procedures, or even if not, they try to minimize their inventory by pressurizing suppliers with tight deadlines and minimum delivery lots. Supplying from Japan to a manufacturer in UK, other than bringing an additional logistics cost of 4 euros, is extremely risky for the manufacturer in the sense that it may increase lead-times and cause inventory pile-ups. Although it is difficult to quantify such a risk, Sean’s target price during his negotiations with Asiacar should definitely be higher than 72 euros. In that case, what should be the target price for Sean during his negotiations with the Asiacar representatives? Looking at Exhibit-3 again, aiming a price that would breakeven at 300,000 units is far too risky for  Morgan Components. On the contrary, trying to achieve a profit even if Asiacar’s new product fails would be too opportunistic and may cause an unpleasant response of direct change of supplier on the Asiacar side. Therefore, targeting a price range that would arrive at a breakeven at moderate success would be my suggestion. This price range may be deducted from Exhibit-5, and falls between 75 euros and 81 euros. Furthermore, the Clondalkin plant contains a key advantage regarding the Asiacar contract. Clondalkin is not a just a plant that is to produce a given design; Asiacar has provided Clondalkin the initial design and the redesign of the door panel and the necessary adaptations of the design for the European market is carried by the Clondalkin plant. Why is this issue so important? Because of the two vital criteria for Asiacar: Time restrictions and the necessary initial investments. First of all, there are only eight months left for the product launch of Asiacar, which is on May 2005. This means that the first samples of the door panels for the try-outs should be delivered to Asiacar at the latest by January 2005. Thus, the new supplier needs to redesign the product for European Markets, produce the mold, and start the production within 6 months. Would Asiacar take such big risk? Besides, Asiacar has provided 2 million euros of a total of 5 million euro investment on the redesign of the door panels. Now Asiacar has two possible option, which I recommend Sean to emphasize clearly during the negotiations: Asiacar is either going to provide the remaining 3 million euros and wait until Clondalkin completes the molds and then transfer them to Japan, or come down to accept a mutual agreement for with Morgan Components In order to be able to build on this argument without being offensive, my recommendation is that Sean should follow such an action plan: First he should mention that Morgan Components wants to support the revival plan of Asiacar and ready for sacrificing to an extent to maintain a sustainable relationship. However he should stress on the fact that pressurizing Morgan Components for a price reduction to 68 euros would result in the shut down of the whole company. He should support this by the data provided in Exhibit-6, which is the re-structured version of the cost breakdown in  Exhibit-1. Exhibit-6 will show Asiacar that below 81 euros, Morgan Components will theoretically not make profits for this contract. Moreover, reducing the price down to 81 euros would mean a potential saving of 2.7 million euros for Asiacar. He should also underline the risks and additional costs of working with a Japanese supplier and mention that a 68 euro price from a Japanese supplier would mean the ex act same cost to Asiacar to buy the panels at a 73 euro price from Morgan. Setting his minimum and maximum clearly to 73 and 81 euros, then Sean may start releasing the handles again. Depending on the reactions of the Asiacar representative, he may restate the importance of being an Asiacar supplier for Morgan Components and approach with the favor of going below 81 euros with the following conditions being guaranteed: More future contracts starting form 2005 and the renegotiation of the door panel prices at the end of 2005. Even after that, if Asiacar keeps insisting on very low price levels, the issue of having the current design in hand and having already expended the 2 million design fund should be raised, but without being offensive or destructive. The objective must be keeping the price in range of 75 to 81 euros. If Sean may apply my recommendation completely, he should come out of the Asiacar negotiations, with a price of around 78 euros. Having this price settled and implementing a redesign on the panel to reduce features (Cost Reduction Alternative-1), Morgan Components may expect a profit of nearly 1.8 million euros within the next five years, if the project is a complete success. Moreover, since the initial investments will be recovered after 170,000 units, the risk will be also minimized. Within very tight deadlines and such stressful conditions, following such a structured action plan may not be very easy for Sean O’Fearna to apply, however, with the above given key points in mind he should be able to achieve the outcome to save his professional reputation, Clondalkin Plant’s future and moreover, to provide a decent profit for his new company, Morgan  Components.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Love over Lust: Elizabeth Proctor vs. Abigail Williams Essay

What does it mean to be different? Being different means not being the same as another or just simply being unlike in form and quality. In Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, difference is shown between the characters Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor. This play portrays the historical events of the Salem witch trials through a crowd of unforgettable characters. Abigail Williams is the malicious, deceiving accuser; whereas Elizabeth Proctor is virtuous and is the wrongfully accused. To begin, Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor are complete opposites of each other, one lies to save herself and avoid consequences; while the other lies to save the one she loves, John Proctor. Abigail discovers she could abstain getting in trouble by making up stories to cover up her manipulative lies and by accusing other people. She previously worked as the Proctor’s servant until Elizabeth became aware of the affair between Abigail and her husband, John. Unlike Abigail, Elizabeth Proctor does not try to create problems by lying. She is more concerned about her husband and her kids. Knowing about the affair between John and Abigail makes it more difficult for Elizabeth to forgive John. She is the faithful and religious wife of John Proctor. She lies for the very first time to save the life of her husband. At this point Elizabeth is completely unaware of the fact that her husband has confessed. Thus, Abigail is known to be the antagonist, while Elizabeth is more of a guide mentor. In The Crucible, Elizabeth Proctor is Abigail Williams foil in several ways. Abigail is a jealous, scheming and lonely; whereas Elizabeth is a religious, trustworthy and loving character. Abigail does everything she can to make it work, but then ends up running away from her problems. She is lonely and looks to John for comfort. Elizabeth is a forgiving character. She forgives her husband for all his wrong doings. John decides to keep his good name and is hanged as he chooses not to confess. Elizabeth forgives him because she truly realizes how much he loves her and how much she loves him. Overall, everyone is different and has their own way of showing it. Difference is shown through words and actions between the two characters, Abigail Williams and Elizabeth Proctor. Abigail is proven to be the misleading accuser, while Elizabeth is proven to be forgiving. Maliciousness and guilt lives in the heart of the teenage adulteress, Abigail Williams; whereas truth and innocence resides in the soul of Elizabeth Proctor.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Wer and Wyf, Man and Woman

Wer and Wyf, Man and Woman Wer and Wyf, Man and Woman Wer and Wyf, Man and Woman By Maeve Maddox In Old English, the word man had the meaning of â€Å"human being† or â€Å"person,† male or female. Note: Old English is the earliest form of English, brought to Great Britain in the fifth century by Germanic settlers. The first literary works in Old English date from the seventh century. In OE, the word man occurs in proverbs in the sense of â€Å"one,† â€Å"a person† or â€Å"people†: NÄ“ sceal man tÃ…  Ç £r forht nÄ“ tÃ…  Ç £r fà ¦gen: A person shouldn’t be too soon fearful nor too soon glad The usual OE word for â€Å"an adult male person† was wer. Man didn’t start being used in that sense until late in the OE period (c. 1000). Wer continued into Middle English, but by the late thirteenth century had been replaced by man. Wer survives into modern English as the combining form seen in the first syllable of werewolf: â€Å"a person who, according to medieval superstition, is transformed or is capable of transforming himself at times into a wolf.† The general meaning of man to mean human person of either gender survives in modern English in such words as manslaughter and mankind. The latter is being superseded by the word humankind in the belief that the man- of mankind excludes women. Its fixed legal use will probably prevent manslaughter from being replaced by humanslaughter. The Old English word for a female person, married or unmarried, was wyf. The meaning â€Å"female spouse† developed within the OE period, but the general sense of woman, married or unmarried, continued. In the 18th century, one definition of wife was â€Å"a woman of humble rank or of low employment,† a sense that remains in the words fishwife and alewife. Used figuratively, the term fishwife has acquired the negative connotation of â€Å"a scurrilously abusive woman.† The sense of â€Å"women in general† is at work in the expression â€Å"old wives’ tale†: â€Å"an unlikely story told and believed by women a widely held or traditional belief now thought to be incorrect or erroneous.† For example, a very common  old wives  tale  is the admonition to feed a  cold  and starve a  fever. Note: The tale, not the women, is â€Å"old.† Inherent in this expression is the notion that women are more gullible than men. Perhaps we could coin the expression â€Å"old husbands’ tale† for the stereotypical notions that men pass on about women. For example, â€Å"Women lack intellect,† â€Å"women are more emotional and jealous than men,† â€Å"women are not suited to serve in public office,† â€Å"women lack courage,† etc. Husband, like wife, has meanings apart from married status. Meanings of husband include â€Å"tiller of the soil, manager of a household,† and â€Å"steward.† It’s interesting that today’s general word for â€Å"adult female person,† woman, originated when wyf (â€Å"female person†) was joined to man (â€Å"human being†) to produce the combination wyfman (â€Å"female human being†). The modern form woman developed from a plural of wyfman that did not include the /f/ sound or spelling: wimman. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?Yay, Hooray, Woo-hoo and Other AcclamationsWord Count and Book Length

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on War On Poverty

Lyndon Johnson’s â€Å"War on Poverty† Lyndon Johnson was sworn into office directly after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. With this in mind he had a heavy burden on his shoulder. John F. Kennedy’s shoes were no easy shoes to fill. He was the most beloved president this country has ever been part of. With this in mind he had pressure from every angle. Weeks after President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office he gave his first state of the union address. The date was January 8, 1964, when he made this impact on the American people. He was doing something that was remarkable, and might have been a gamble at that time. Lyndon Johnson didn’t know what the reaction of congress and the American people would have on his â€Å"War on Poverty†. American’s that had large families felt this most since almost half the national poverty was in rural areas. The purpose was to bring America out of lower income status, and into a country that provided for their citizens. Family’s that had 4-7 children couldn’t support themselves to the changing market of America. Costs were going up, which made bills and basic needs harder to pay for. This is why Lyndon Johnson set in motion a series of bills and acts that were to be passed. For instance head start, food stamps, work study, Medicare, and Medicaid. Most of the se categories are still in place today. This was really influential to lower class citizens. The vision of the United States of America was that of poor lower class citizens. They were holding back the progressiveness of the country. While the United States of America was growing and already had been an industrial giant. These rural poverty stricken people were the demise of this great country. Someone had to do something about the direction the country was going. I understand that the United States of America was taking initiative to free the country of poverty stricken families. Without Lyndon Johnson’s campaign to fig... Free Essays on War On Poverty Free Essays on War On Poverty Lyndon Johnson’s â€Å"War on Poverty† Lyndon Johnson was sworn into office directly after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. With this in mind he had a heavy burden on his shoulder. John F. Kennedy’s shoes were no easy shoes to fill. He was the most beloved president this country has ever been part of. With this in mind he had pressure from every angle. Weeks after President Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn into office he gave his first state of the union address. The date was January 8, 1964, when he made this impact on the American people. He was doing something that was remarkable, and might have been a gamble at that time. Lyndon Johnson didn’t know what the reaction of congress and the American people would have on his â€Å"War on Poverty†. American’s that had large families felt this most since almost half the national poverty was in rural areas. The purpose was to bring America out of lower income status, and into a country that provided for their citizens. Family’s that had 4-7 children couldn’t support themselves to the changing market of America. Costs were going up, which made bills and basic needs harder to pay for. This is why Lyndon Johnson set in motion a series of bills and acts that were to be passed. For instance head start, food stamps, work study, Medicare, and Medicaid. Most of the se categories are still in place today. This was really influential to lower class citizens. The vision of the United States of America was that of poor lower class citizens. They were holding back the progressiveness of the country. While the United States of America was growing and already had been an industrial giant. These rural poverty stricken people were the demise of this great country. Someone had to do something about the direction the country was going. I understand that the United States of America was taking initiative to free the country of poverty stricken families. Without Lyndon Johnson’s campaign to fig...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Writing tips for nurses, Nursing Standard - Emphasis

Writing tips for nurses, Nursing Standard Writing tips for nurses, Nursing Standard Being a capable wordsmith may not be what you signed up for. But clinical nurses are spending more and more of their working day on writing tasks. Rob Ashton of Emphasis gives six tips on how nurses can become better writers. A well-presented document, a clear and succinct email, a precise and persuasive report all go a long way to ensure nursing maintains professional standards. This makes sense, as good writing skills equal good communication a prerequisite for effective nursing. Just as nursing requires dedication and practice, so too do effective writing techniques within the clinical setting. One Identify your target audience. To write effectively, you have to understand the needs of the people you are writing for. Think of the variety of audiences you have to communicate with as a practitioner such as patients, other nursing professionals, physicians. Then think about how you communicate differently to each. If its a report for a healthcare organisation, find out the ethos of that organisation. If its for a nursing manager, do they need to be informed or persuaded or both? Two Overcome the fear of the blank page. Break through writers block by: establishing the purpose of your writing and what you hope to achieve using mind maps or spider-grams to get ideas flowing creating a defined timeframe with deadlines and milestones writing in incremental bursts if youre faced with a lengthy document Focusing on your readers needs but (crucially) forgetting about their possible judgements of the work. If youre really stuck, set an alarm for five minutes hence, then tell yourself you only need to write until it goes off. After all, how bad can five minutes be? What youll probably find is that you speed up as the time starts to run out, giving you the energy to burst through the block. But if that doesnt happen, stop at five minutes, give yourself a ten minute break, then set the alarm for another five-minute session. Two or three short sessions like this are usually enough to cure the block. These apply to most writing tasks, including proposals for improvement projects, reports, patient records, staff references, memos and even emails. Three Keep going until you have a complete working draft. Forget about perfection for now. Organise the relevant information on separate piece of paper (such as with a mind map see above), then write. Only when youve finished should you revise and edit. Even the greatest writers work from a rough, first draft. Make sure you plan first though, as a stream of consciousness can be very difficult to disentangle once youve written it. To help with the final edit, ask yourself if youve addressed all your pertinent issues, especially problems, action and results. Four Dont dress it up. Florid language and great swathes of rhetoric wont impress a busy board member, nursing manager or worried patient who wants to read only the salient facts. Time is of the essence in a clinical workplace, so clear, direct communication is key. Present your message clearly from the start in a straightforward style that will keep your audience interested. Five Dont be lax in your report writing. Computerised report templates may have made the task easier but they are no replacement for courtesy and good grammar. Never make shortcuts in punctuation and spelling, and make sure the facts are correct. Get someone else to look over the document if youre unsure of its accuracy. Six Be honest. If you dont understand the subject matter, the chances are those reading it wont either. Dont mask your lack of understanding with unnecessary jargon. If youre working collaboratively on a report or proposal, for example ask for help. With written communication now so much a part of clinical nursing, these tips and a little practice should give you the confidence to handle any writing task. A little time spent perfecting the process now will leave you more time for other pressing responsibilities in the future. Rob Ashton is Chief Executive of Emphasis, the specialist business-writing trainers.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Counterterrorism-Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Counterterrorism-Final - Essay Example w World Order’ in which there is United States of America as the lone super power, although several countries around the world are vying for dominance such as China, Russia, Great Britain and France. The purpose of the existence of these countries is to oppose any threat against the peace and harmony in the world hence there is an importance to look for the balance between security and order. This is something which could only be achieved if the defenders know how to get proper intelligence from their enemies (Addicott and McCaul n.d.). Whenever the nation faces problems, it is a must for the rule of law to prevail. This is the guiding principle for almost all democratic states around the world which aim to oppose the continuing growth of both states and non-state groups that endanger the people; and because terrorist groups also have the blessings of technological advancement, it is necessary for all the nations around the world especially United States of America to improve. Not all threats around the world right now are common knowledge. Terrorist groups hide in the darkness whenever they perform their operations making it harder for operatives to arrest them (Addicott and McCaul n.d.). Intelligence is one of the most crucial aspects of counter terrorism in all ages. For most crises situations, it shapes the success or the failure of an operation against militant groups that aim to destabilize the governments around the world. Terrorists have an array of intelligence gathering operations too and it is the duty of the states to always be one step ahead of the terrorists’ activities. The lives of the people and the sustenance of nations are all contingent to countries’ capability to win the war against terrorism. Intelligence lets a country understand the situation of every conflict; thus, policy makers would know the best action to do. Not all problems could be solved by tanks and stealth bombers; there are certain conflicts that need a high level of

4.The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Sect 142) specifies the purposes of Essay

4.The Criminal Justice Act 2003 (Sect 142) specifies the purposes of sentencing. Discuss the extent to which prison sentences can fulfil these purposes - Essay Example Lack of sentence implementation or lesser sentences being given leads to an increased crime rate. Even in the United States of America reforms are being considered at every level for the implementation of sentences and to make them consistent9. Steven Levitt10 found that the states that sent fewer criminals to jail had a higher rate of crime as compared to the states that had a higher prison population11. The fear of having a sentence implemented can lead to a falling crime rate. Many Reform advocates also imply that the crimes and criminals can only be controlled by implementation of severe and longer sentences12. General Edward Levi also considered the inability to prison many criminals, the reason behind rising crime rates in America13. Not only judicial entities but also public in the United States of America are of the mind that the judiciary should adopt a tougher approach towards criminals, as only this can be now seen as an appropriate solution to the problem. A study revealed that prison growth rate is directly co related to decreased crime rates14. In the 1980’s mandatory sentences were implemented in the USA. As a result the 90’s saw a decrease in burglary by 50%, robbery rate fell by one third, and rate of car theft also dropped15. Sentence implementation also leads to building public confidence in the judiciary and the government. A feeling of being looked after prevails. When the government appears to be tackling offenders and crime with a tough stance, it leads to an increased sense of public safety16. Increased prison sentencing lead 75% of Americans reporting they felt safe17. Stephen Levitt and Daniel Kessler18 looked into the effects of the implementation of California’s Proposition 8. The legislation had really tough counter crime sentences. It allocated decades of imprisonment to the recurrent offenders. The passing of the law lead to an 8% decrease in the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Anglo American Plc report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Anglo American Plc report - Essay Example The five major categories of financial ratios are liquidity, financial leverage, asset efficiency, profitability, and market values (Peavler, 2013). The purpose of this report is to analyze the financial performance of the company Anglo American Plc by performing ratio analysis. Trend Analysis Anglo American A trend analysis of some key financial indicators of Anglo American is illustrated below. 2012 (millions) 2011 (millions) % change Sales 28761 30580 -5.94% Gross profit 2768 13237 -79.09% Expenses 30449 21141 44.03% Interest payable 798 695 14.82% Net profit before tax 138 10599 -98.70% Total assets 79369 72422 9.56% Total liabilities 35582 29253 17.79% Capital and reserves 37657 39092 -3.67% Advantages ratio analysis Ratio analysis is a tremendous analytic tool that can be used to evaluate the financial performance of an enterprise. One of the virtues of this type of analysis is that any person with access to the internet can extract the financial statements of a company to real ize the analysis. The basic formulas used as input in ratio analysis mostly utilize data from the financial statements of the company. The use of ratio analysis can help people instantly check weather a company is sound financially (Bott, 2013). Another advantage of ratio analysis is that the ratios can be compared against the performance of other companies or the industry. Financial ratios can also be compared against the financial ratio results of previous years. The ratio analysis performed on Anglo American in this paper includes the use of 21 different ratios. Ratio Analysis Anglo American The net margin of Anglo American in 2012 was -2.1%. Net margin measures the absolute profitability of a company. It is calculated dividing net profit by total sales. A negative net margin result is an unfavorable outcome. This ratio was chosen because it shows the profitability of the firm. In 2012 Anglo American obtained an earnings per share (EPS) metric of -$1.19. The company’s EPS went down by $3.91 since the previous fiscal year. Earnings per share is the portion of a company’s profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock (Investopedia, 2013). EPS was selected because this metric influences the buying decisions of investors. The return on assets (ROA) of the company in 2012 was -0.8%. ROA is calculated by dividing net income by total assets. The reason I selected this ratio is because it shows how effective a company has been at generating profits from its assets. The efficiency of the company is an important aspect of the operations to measure. Anglo American achieved a return on equity (ROE) in 2012 of -1.4%. This metric measures the extent to which financial leverage is working towards benefiting the company. The formula to calculate return on equity is net income divided by total equity. ROE was used in this analysis because this metric demonstrates the ability of the firm to generate income from its equity. The debt ratio of the com pany is calculated dividing total debt by total assets. Anglo American had a debt ratio in 2012 of 0.45: 1. This ratio shows how well prepared the company is to pay off its long term debt. Anglo American does not seem to have overextended its debt position. The debt ratio was used in the analysis due to the fact that this ratio evaluates the long term solvency of the firm. Typically companies are in trouble when the debt ratio is too

Multiple Intelligences Survey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Multiple Intelligences Survey - Essay Example In a learning/teaching situation some of the different strengths are attributed to the students' different learning or cognitive styles (Larsen 1986). Therefore, if a teacher is able to recognize or take into account the multiple intelligences that her students are endowed with, and apply in her lesson plan then learners will be able to learn better. Taking into account the concept of multiple intelligences various tests and assessments for different levels have been developed that help in self-assessing one's own abilities in a particular area. The multiple intelligence survey that I undertook through the Internet search is specifically meant for teachers. The results with high score accurately indicated my strengths in areas that I am interested and good at. Most importantly the results have helped me to know where and why I am weak and what I can do to overcome my drawbacks. One of the learning strategies that I can adopt in order to improve my linguistic abilities is to reflect on what I read, maintaining a journal, recording or writing down stories etc. Similarly, my inclination towards nature helps and motivates me in learning and knowing more about the names of plants thereby enhancing my knowledge about nature. This again can be linked to improving linguistic ability by writing or describing what I experience and see, or hear in nature around me. Since, the results indicate that I am good at fine motor skills that include incorporating body movements into learning; I can adopt teaching techniques that involve call for body movements and gestures such as "dumb-charade" (a word-guessing game), where the students are divided into two groups and each student is prompted to explain an idea or meaning of a word through gestures and signs. In a classroom situation an activity can be developed in such a way that it has a sequence of activities that kindle different intelligences simultaneously. For instance, a blue print of a house plan is shown to the students and in the first step they are asked to study it (mathematical/logical) then they are asked to describe the plan (verbal) in step three the students are asked to discuss and share ideas (interpersonal). Conclusion Thus, as a teacher I think that incorporating the multiple intelligences concept into my lesson plan will certainly help me in judging the level of student's interest in a specific area and adopt a mode of teaching suitable to the individual in particular or a class as a whole. Besides, it also helps in formulating learning strategies according to individual abilities. It may not be really feasible to test on all the seven intelligences, but focus on those that facilitate in language acquisition. It can be concluded that the theory of multiple intellig

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Whos afraid of sigmund Freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Whos afraid of sigmund Freud - Essay Example He is no longer thought of as scientific or serious. He is mostly a cartoon character who speaks in a thick German accent while chomping on a cigar. People tend to believe stereotypes about him, such as that he believed childhood trauma was the reason for all problems in adulthood. The author of this article seeks to defend Freud from some of these claims, and to a certain extent succeeds. To be fair to Freud, it is important to recall the time period he was living and writing in. Very little was known about psychology. He was the founder of this discipline. Many of his ideas were educated guesses based on conversations with patients and scientific study he undertook. There were bound to be errors. Few psychologists today would have been anywhere near as successful as Freud was if they had to operate under the same conditions. Even today, his basic concepts are accepted, as Hustvedt writes, â€Å"No neuroscientist today would say that the unconscious does not exist, nor would he or she say that we do not have implicit memories (memories outside of consciousness.) No one working in the field would argue against primal emotional drives in human beings either.† It is clear that he has a continuing influence, even if it is not as large as it once was. That is not to say Freud was not wrong on many fronts. Much of his thinking about sex is outdated. But all things considered, he was a genius who deserves our respect. An important subject he studied that is very relevant today is the relationship between patient and therapist. He immediately saw the danger of too close an attachment and warned that therapists must watch their feelings closely in these encounters.

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Homeland Security - Essay Example This essay discusses that the Threat Analysis Division is entrusted with the duty of detecting vulnerable areas in USA’s critical infrastructure framework and its vital resources. It functions through its four main divisions. The Alternative Analysis Division utilizes alternative analysis instruments and techniques to recognize critical assumptions, challenge their results and finally arrive at a conclusion. This Division works in collaboration with the analysts of the I&A. The Collections and Requirements Division has been allotted the duty of identifying fundamental ISR capabilities of the DHS and accordingly constructs the required ISR enterprise architectures. The Plans and the Integration Division is responsible for integrating the plans and programs of the overall intelligence enterprise of the DHS. The Information Sharing and Knowledge Management Division monitors the information technology resources of the DHS and ensures their proper governance.In conclusion, It is ev ident from the above discussion that, The United States has to deal with the potential threat of the internal terrorist organizations along with the external dangers of terrorism. In fact, the US intelligence agencies have identified these home-grown branches of the militant groups as an immediate danger to the country considering their easy access to America’s resources and its people. After the September 11, 2001’s terrorist attacks the Federal Government had adopted a two-pronged approach to counter-terrorism.... Security agency studies have predicted that this trend will continue in the future as well. Ever since the Al-Quaeda’s attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, the United States has intensified its efforts to counter terrorism and eradicate the terrorist groups completely. The US Homeland Security Advisory Council has set up a special cell called the ‘The Future of Terrorism Taskforce’ for this purpose. According to a report of the Taskforce, there is a high possibility that the US and its allied countries will experience an increase in the frequency and magnitude of terrorist activities in the near future. Thus, the Federal Government should consider ‘terrorism’ as a chronic problem and adopt a sustained evolutionary strategy to counter its ill-effects. In fact, there are international terrorist organizations which have established their bases in the country and conduct their militant activities centering round these operational camps . The after-effects of globalization, the polarization of the US economy and the rising income-inequality have all created a conducive atmosphere for these terrorist groups to flourish and expand their networks in the domestic territory. The US needs to be extra careful regarding these indigenous terrorist groups since they pose an immediate danger to the national security. (Lijn, 2011,p.2) American security experts have not been satisfied by the existing US Homeland Security System in the past. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 had prompted the Federal Government under President Bush to implement a two-pronged strategy to counter global terrorism. On one hand the Government undertook a security intelligence operation to identify and locate the terrorist groups and their sponsors and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Whos afraid of sigmund Freud Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Whos afraid of sigmund Freud - Essay Example He is no longer thought of as scientific or serious. He is mostly a cartoon character who speaks in a thick German accent while chomping on a cigar. People tend to believe stereotypes about him, such as that he believed childhood trauma was the reason for all problems in adulthood. The author of this article seeks to defend Freud from some of these claims, and to a certain extent succeeds. To be fair to Freud, it is important to recall the time period he was living and writing in. Very little was known about psychology. He was the founder of this discipline. Many of his ideas were educated guesses based on conversations with patients and scientific study he undertook. There were bound to be errors. Few psychologists today would have been anywhere near as successful as Freud was if they had to operate under the same conditions. Even today, his basic concepts are accepted, as Hustvedt writes, â€Å"No neuroscientist today would say that the unconscious does not exist, nor would he or she say that we do not have implicit memories (memories outside of consciousness.) No one working in the field would argue against primal emotional drives in human beings either.† It is clear that he has a continuing influence, even if it is not as large as it once was. That is not to say Freud was not wrong on many fronts. Much of his thinking about sex is outdated. But all things considered, he was a genius who deserves our respect. An important subject he studied that is very relevant today is the relationship between patient and therapist. He immediately saw the danger of too close an attachment and warned that therapists must watch their feelings closely in these encounters.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Financial Markets and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Financial Markets and Institutions - Essay Example economy, impact of recent monetary policy on U.S. economy and the strategy for the use of bond markets. Foreign Exchange Market The foreign exchange market is an over-the-counter (OTC) market. The participants of foreign exchange markets are portfolio managers, importers and exporters, commercial banks, central banks, and foreign currency brokers. Types of Transaction and their benefits There are three types of foreign exchange transactions: spot transaction, forward transaction and swaps. A spot transaction includes deliver of the exchange by the seller of the foreign exchange to the buyer, on the spot, and the settlement of deal is within two business days. A forward transaction involves an agreement between the seller and buyer of currency to purchase or sell a preset amount of currency for a rate which is determined in advance at a specified date in the future. A currency swap is defined as a conversion of one currency into another with an agreement to revert it back at some date in the future. Forward transactions are valuable to the U.S. and global economies in several ways. It can fully eradicate risk by locking in now the rate or price at which the transaction is going to be made in future. Forward trading offer the economic benefits of risk control and price discovery as well as rich opportunity for speculation. It provides protection against price changes through hedging. Spot market is also considered as most developed market and central banks have judged it as the neutral market for interventions. Forward transactions also protect the investors and traders from exposure towards the fluctuations of the spot rate known as currency hedging. (Peng, 2008, p.194). Factors Affecting Interest Rates Interest rates are determined by the forces of demand and supply. There are numerous factors that affect the interest rates and these are as follows: First is the monetary supply and demand. The interest rates for saving accounts of U.S. citizens can be affected by the demand and supply of the currency in circulation and more demand and less supply result in a higher rates being offered. Second is the inflation. Inflation rate impact interest rates because every lender desire returns from the loan in order to reflect the reduced purchasing power. They add the expected or existing inflation value to the interest rates to evade losses. Third is the Central Bank policy. It helps to decide the interest rates for saving accounts. Fourth factor is the demand for credit. When the demand for credit is high, then the best savings account interest rates are seen. Interest rates tend to decrease with the decrease in the credit demand. Fifth factor is the economic state of the U.S. It enables to determine the interest rates for saving accounts. Interest rates tend to decrease with the recession and economic prosperity cause the interest rates to go up. Sixth factor is the expectation of the economic growth. Interest rates tend to increase when economic growth is predicted. Seventh factor is the level of competition among financial institutions. When financial institutions compete for consumer business, then the saving accounts and best interest will be seen.

Monday, October 14, 2019

What Is Dry Needling Essay Example for Free

What Is Dry Needling Essay Recently, Physical Therapists have been seeking to incorporate what is being named Dry Needling into their patient treatment regimens. Dry Needling is indistinguishable from acupuncture, yet is often based on two or three day seminars, featuring only 16 to 24 hours of classroom education with no needle technique clinical internship training being included. Is Dry Needling the same as Acupuncture? â€Å"Yes,† according to all major state and national organizations involved in the certification, professional representation and educational development of the field of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. The Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM) states â€Å"It is the position of the CCAOM that any intervention utilizing dry needling is the practice of acupuncture, regardless of the language utilized in describing the technique.† 1 Medicare agrees. â€Å"The only code for Medicare that would cover something like dry -needling would be an acupuncture code,† said Assistant U.S. Attorney Kevin Doyle .† Will Dry Needling practice affect Acupuncture practice? Patients do not discern between types of needling treatments. When a patient receives a therapy involving needling, their perception is that they have received acupuncture. When acupuncture is performed by practitioners without adequate classroom and clinical education, the experience of acupuncture is not optimal. When acupuncture is performed by practitioners without needling technique education, without Clean Needle Technique certification, and without needle technique clinical internship, the experience of needling can be hazardous. Adversely performed acupuncture negatively impacts all those practitioners who are licensed to practice acupuncture. Negative patient feedback especially affects the availability of new patients for Licensed Acupuncturists. It makes good business sense for practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture to safeguard, protect and regulate the teaching and practice of their chosen healing art, Acupuncture. Coalition for Safe Acupuncture Practice seeks to inform and warn the public of the healthcare hazards and the potential for serious injury that exists in undergoing Dry Needling treatment by any healthcare practitioners, including Physical Therapists, who are not also fully trained and licensed as Acupuncturists.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Case Study Of The Three Gorges Dam

Case Study Of The Three Gorges Dam The following case study on the Three Gorges Dam illustrates the pros and cons of concrete gravity dam construction and is an excellent complement to the material discussed in the technical paper. Chinas Three Gorges Dam (TGD) is the largest power generating plant in the world. The TGD is a hydroelectric concrete gravity dam that spans the Yangtze River, in Hubei province.5 It is located in the Xilingxia gorge which is one of the three gorges of this river.5 Costing a total of over 30 billion US dollars 6, the TGD project was put in place for several reasons including flood protection, energy production, increased navigability throughout the Yangtze River and access to fresh water for the citizens. 3 The construction of this dam is having a major impact on Chinas national economy, and its performance is critical to the large population living in Three Gorges region. 3 Upon its completion, the dam will measure 2.6 kilometres in length, 186 meters in height and it will form a 645 kilometre long reservoir in the midsection of the Yangtze. 3 The dam is designed to generate an output of 17680MW which includes 26 generators at 680 MW per unit. 3 The following figure shows the exact location of Three Gorges dam. Figure 3: Map of the Three Gorges Dam In terms of construction, the dam will be composed of 32 primary generators which will allow the dam to reach its maximum power output capacity. 26 generators are found on the dam itself while the remaining are built below a neighbouring mountain.6. Furthermore, a ship lift capable of vertically transporting ships (weighing as much as 3000 tons) from one water level to another will be built on the north side of the Three Gorges Dam.6. Other than the ship lift, a series of locks have been installed designed for boats weighing up to 10 000 tons; approximately four hours are needed for transit of these vessels. 6. The ship lifts and locks constructed as part of the TGD are very beneficial aspects as they promote increased navigability throughout the Yangtze River. By transporting more freight on the river, a reduction in emissions caused by the trucking industry is predicted,6 which is beneficial to the environment. The following table shows a summary of several specifications of the da m: Table 3: TGD Physical Summary ( Location Dam Site Sandouping, Hubei Province, China Dam Crest 185 meters Dam Length 2,000 meters Reservoir Specifications Normal Pool Level 175 meters Flood Control Level 145 meters Total Storage Capacity 39.3 billion cubic meters Flood Control Storage 22.1 billion cubic meters Power Generation Installed Capacity 17,680 MW Unit Capacity 26 units, 680 MW/unit Inundation Land 632 km-long, 19 cities, 326 towns Arable Land 30,000 hectares Population 1,980,000 people As mentioned previously, prevention or mitigation of the effects of floods is one of the primary reasons for the construction of the Three Gorges Dam since Chinese records show that about one major flood per decade occurs in the area, some killing over 300 000 people. 3 The TGD which has a total of 22 billion cubic meters of capacity destined to flood control will allow China to control some major floods which also have a great impact on the economy.3 Energy production is also a major benefit involved in the construction of the dam. In fact, with its output of 18 million KW, the TGD is worlds most powerful plant. It was found that the TGD would produce a total of nearly 10% of the available energy in China.3 A third reason for the construction of the dam would be for consistent access to fresh water for consumption or agricultural use. In fact, it is known that the Yangtze Rivers water level fluctuates significantly which could affect the amount of water available for use; the TGD wi ll be able to supply this water consistently, mitigating the effects of these fluctuations in the water level of the river. 3. Finally, increased navigability in the river is another benefit related to the construction of this dam. The Three Gorges Dam allows for a direct access from the Pacific Ocean into mainland China, which in turn promotes increased trade in the cities; in the end, increased navigability will create new job, new markets will emerge, and there will be a better economic vitality in general.3 It is clear that there are significant benefits to the construction of this dam, as it will not only have a positive impact on the Chinese economy, but it will also increase the quality of life of Chinese citizens and contribute to human development. Unfortunately, some argue that the environmental and social price to be paid with respect to the construction of the Three Gorges dam outweighs its benefits to society. In fact, the environmental impacts including effects on biodiversity, emissions, erosion and sedimentation as well as waste, and the social effect of relocation of millions of citizens causes great harm to the Chinese population. The following information on the environmental and social effects of the construction of the Three Gorges Dam is written with the help from a report from Samuel Robert Fishleigh Allin which will be listed in the references used for this technical paper. Environmental effects The construction of dams definitely has a detrimental impact on the environment. Some of the impacts involved are greenhouse gas emission, loss of aquatic biodiversity, loss of water quality, loss of wildlife, and creation of wetlands. The construction of the dam negatively alters the composition of the water in the Yangtze River, already one of the most polluted rivers in the world due mainly to coal shipping. First, the dust resulting from the construction itself will enter and pollute the water. It is found that the oxygen levels as well as the temperature of the water, which affects fish downstream, are also altered upon the dams completion. Furthermore, greenhouse gases are released from the breakdown of vegetation and silt, which lowers the surrounding air quality. Also, a silt build-up in the river could possibly affect the reservoirs of the dams increasing the possibility of floods, upstream from the dam. The flow of silt throughout the river is very crucial to aquatic wildli fe; without it in proper quantities, the organisms can be deprived of a sufficient quantity of nutrients. Moreover, the Three Gorges Dam affects the stream flow of the River and this disrupts the aquatic ecosystems which are very dependent on the timing of the water level fluctuations. Finally, one more aspect that is more related to the health and safety of the population is the fact that the TGD was built near a fault line and the magnitude and force that this dam exerts on the ground can increase the chances that an earthquake occurs. Social effects It is important to account for the different negative social impacts before launching the construction of a large dam. The most significant social implication related to the Three Gorges Dam is the fact that over one million people living near the reservoir area had to be relocated, many already living in severe poverty, while the compensation for relocation was often inadequate. Water from the Three Gorges Dam is expected to flood 13 cities and over 100 000 acres of farmland which really disturbs the people`s everyday life as it results in loss of jobs and well being. Some of the difficulties involved in the resettlement process include medical services, schools, drinking water and food as well as electricity. Also, another social impact is the fact that some of the archaeological sites near the dam including historical artefacts will become inaccessible due to the construction of the dam. On the other hand, one social benefit of the TGD is flood control provided by the dam will sav e people from disasters in the future as the frequency of a major flood is expected to be at 1 in 100 years frequency. To end the section on social impacts a figure of the scope of the resettlement area caused by the construction of the TGD is shown: In conclusion, although the construction of the Three Gorges Dam is great for the development of the Yangtze River, contributes to the Chinese economy, and presents benefits such as flood control, energy production, increased navigability and access to fresh water, it is clear that the negative social and environmental price to pay to sustain these benefits is a major cause of concern for the future.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A New Species of Whale :: Anthropology Essays Paleontology Papers

Questions Surrounding a New Species of Whale During the month of September in 1998 an amazing and unique discovery was found by a group of scientists when they went out to the Sea of Japan. There, they collected the carcass of a medium sized baleen whale. This was the ninth specimen needed to complete the research on discovering this new species. This species of the baleen whale did resemble the fin whale, another species of the baleen whale. However, this carcass was much smaller in size. After comparing DNA data of the external morphology, osteology, and mitochondrial, scientists were able to classify all they found into a new and different species. This new species, which was named after a Japanese cetologist, H. Omura, has a unique cranial morphology and a small number of baleen plates. Another wonderful discovery was made while doing this research as well, that was that one of the species of baleen whale could actually be classified into two unique species, Eden’s whale and Bryde’s whale. There were thought to be only five species of the baleen whale. But after the new discovery was made the number had risen to eight. This finding, however, raises many questions about animal’s rights. In order for the scientists to get information on this new species they had to murder nine other whales, one ‘accidentally.’ This finding was a great feat for science because it is important to learn as much as we can about a species before they become extinct. The rate in which large aquatic mammals are reaching extinction has been rising. So although there is much to be found and much that has been found about not only the new species of the baleen whale, but also the other two species that have risen to the surface, it was not done without farthing along the extinction process of another species. The scientists claim that the research necessary to compile all the facts regarding the new species of whale did not start until a ninth whale was accidentally killed. However, there were eight other whales, five females and three males, whose death were not accidental. Who were killed for the sole purpose of scientific information. Whose species could all be in danger of extinction. This find was seen as extremely important and necessary because of the rate in which large mammals are becoming extinct.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Physioex 9 Exercise 6 Notes

PhysioEX notes Autorhythmicity- heart’s ability to trigger its own contractions Phase O- a lot like depolarization in neuronal action potentials. Sodium channels open, increase of sodium INTO cell. Phase 1- sodium channels close, potassium channels close, decrease in potassium and sodium. Calcium channels open, increase of calcium into cell. Phase 2- Plateau phase, membrane still depolarized (contract). Potassium channels closed, L-type calcium channels stay open. Lasts 0. 2 seconds/200 milliseconds.Phase 3- second set of potassium channels open, potassium decrease. Failing membrane potential cause calcium channels to close, calcium decrease to cell. Membrane repolarizes to resting potential. Phase 4- resting membrane potential is reached until next depolarization from neighboring cardiac pacemaker cells. Total cardiac AP last 0. 25-0. 3 seconds or 250-300 milliseconds Wave Summation- occurs when a skeletal muscle is stimulated with such frequency that muscle twitches overlap and result in a stronger contraction than a single muscle twitch.When enough of these twitches occur at a frequent rate, muscle reaches fused tetanus, or smooth movement. Individual twitches cannot be distinguished. Tetanus occurs in skeletal muscle because skeletal muscle has a relatively short absolute refractory period(a period during which APs cannot be generated no matter how strong the stimulus). Cardiac muscles has a relatively long refractory perios and is thus incapable of wave summation. Cardiac muscle is incapable of reacting to any stimulus before middle of phase 3 and will not respond to a normal cardiac stimulus efore phase 4. Absolute refractory period- time between the beginning of the cardiac AP and middle of phase 3. Relative refractory period- time between absolute refractory period and phase 4. Total refractory period = 200-250 milliseconds. Almost as long as the contraction of the cardiac muscle. Vagus Nerve Stimulation The autonomic nervous system has two branc hes: Sympathetic- fight or flight Parasympathetic- resting and digesting At rest, parasympathetic is more active. Sympathetic is more active when needed, during exercise or confronting danger. Read Renal System Physiology PhysioexBoth supply nerve impulses to the heart. Sympathetic stimulation increases rate and force of contraction. Parasympathetic stimulation decreases rate without changing force of contraction. Vagus nerve carries signal to heart (cranial nerve X). Excessive vagal stimulation causes heart to stop beating. Ventricles will start beating after short time. Resumption of heartbeat is called Vagal Escape. Result of sympathetic reflexes or initiation of rhythim by Purkinje fibers. SA node is cluster of autorhythimic cardiac cells in right atrium. SA has fastest rate of spontaneous depolarization.Determineds heart rate and is referred to as pacemaker. SA node generates 100 Aps per minute. Humans are homeothermic- maintaining an internal body temperature at 35. 8 to 38. 2C regardless of outside temperature. When external temp is elevated, hypothalamus signals heat releasing mechanisms (sweat, vasodilation). In extreme external temperatures, body cannot compensat e and hyperthermia (elevated body temperature) or hypothermia(decreased body temperature) occurs. Frog is poikilothermic- internal body temperature changes with external environment temperatures.Ringer’s solution/irrigation- essential electrolytes (chloride, sodium potassium, calcium and magnesium), keeps isolated, intact heart viable. Sympathetic nerve fibers release norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and epinephrine (adrenaline) at cardiac synapses. Norepinephrine and epinephrine increase frequency of AP by binding to B1 adrenergic receptors embedded in plasma membrane of SA cells. cAMP second messenger mechanism, bing of ligand opens sodium and calcium channels, increasing rate of depolarization and shortening period of repolarization, increasing heart rate.Parasympathetic NS usually dominates; releases acetylcholine at cardiac synapses. ACH decreases frequency of AP by binding to muscarinic cholinergic receptors in plasmas membrane of SA cells. ACH indirectly opens potassium channels and closes calcium and sodium channels, decreasing rate of depolarization and decreasing heart rate. Cholinergic- chemical modifiers that inhibit, mimic or enhance action of ACH. Adrenergic- chemical modifiers that inhibit, mimic or enhance action of epinephrine. If the modifiers works like a neurotransmitter, it is an agonist.If the modifier works opposite of a neurotransmitter, it is an antagonist. Resting cell membrane favors movement of potassium more than sodium or calcium. Resting membrane potential is determined by ratio of extracellular and intracellular concentrations of potassium. Phase 0 (rapid depolarization)- sodium moves in Phase 1 (small repolarization) – sodium movement decreases Phase 2 (plateau) – Potassium movement out decreases, Calcium moves in Phase 3 (repolarization)- potassium moves out, calcium movement decreases Phase 4 (resting potential) – potassium moves out, little sodium or calcium moves inCalcium channel blockers used to treat high BP and abnormal HR. Block calcium movement in all phases of cardiac action potentials. Result- depolarization rate and force of contraction reduced. Modifiers that affect HR are chronotropic Modifiers that affect force of contraction are inotropic. Modifiers that lower HR are negative chronotropic Modifiers that increase HR are positive chronotropic Modifiers that decrease force of contraction are negative inotropic Modifiers that increase force of contraction are positive inotropic

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Introduction to Issues in Literature and Culture Essay

Course Description and Objectives This course critically examines various literary themes in twentieth and early twenty first century novels, plays and poetry. These texts are fictionalized representations of circumstances in which fear, ignorance, and misunderstanding have shaped our sense of modern history and contemporary culture. They give voice and offer claims of identity to those in society who have traditionally remained socially and often economically marginalized, mostly women, the poor, and people of colour. You also will learn the methods of developing an effective thesis and supporting evidence for a literary analysis essay. Required Texts Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. Choy, Wayson. The Jade Peony Headrick, Paul. A Method for Writing Essays about Literature Yousafzai, Malala. I Am Malala. Douglas, Frederick. Narrative of the Life Steinbeck, John. Of Mice and Men Course Notes for ENGL 101 Important: Notes about the course literature and class weekly reading questions will be posted on the Weekly Outline section of Moodle on FIC’s website, This material must be reviewed before coming to class. You must log in using your FIC username and password. Assessment 15% Reading Quizzes 10%Proposal and First Draft of Literary Analysis Essay (1250-1500 words) 20% Revised Draft of Literary Analysis Essay 20%Mid-Term Exam 25%Final Exam 10%Attendance and Participation Grading Scale// A+ = 95-100% A = 90-94% A- = 85-89% B+ = 80-84% B = 75-79% B- = 70-74% C+ = 65-69% C = 60-64% C- = 55-59% D = 50-54% F = 0-49% Reading Quizzes Completing all assigned reading is essential to being successful in the course. There will be a short reading quiz after the completion of certain works of literature. These quizzes will be straightforward for students who have completed the reading assignments and have participated in class activities and discussions. Missed quizzes cannot be made up. Essay Proposals and Outlines An essay proposal outline must be submitted before essays are due. These proposals, about one page in length, should summarize the stance of your essay, and present a detailed outline of the essay’s structure (details TBA). Feedback will be offered to help ensure successful completion of the essays. Essays Much of your grade depends on the successful completion of your literary analysis papers, which should be original scholarly interpretations of the assigned literature. All essays must be typed, using correct English grammar and MLA format. E-mail submissions of essays will not be accepted unless they are prearranged with the instructor, and a printed copy also must be submitted at the next class meeting. Late essays may be marked down by at least one letter grade. Essays more than one week late may not be accepted. You will be given extensive comments on your first draft of your essays and essay proposals, and you are expected to incorporate the instructor’s feedback into your final drafts. Exams The mid-term and final exams for this course will be administered in class and will consist of short questions, passage analyses, and short essays. You will be given more information about these exams throughout the semester. Attendance and Participation You are expected to attend all class meetings. You will spend a great deal of the class in response groups or work teams with peers, and the absence of one member can make progress on projects difficult. A number of activities conducted in response groups must be submitted as homework. Attendance records will be kept; students are required to maintain at least an 80% attendance rate. If you fail to attend class in the first week of the semester, this will count as a double absence on your participation grade. Plagiarism and Academic Honesty The ideas put into your written assignments must be your own. The ideas of others must be documented in MLA style. Plagiarized work will be failed and can even result in an F for the entire course. Issue of plagiarism and academic honesty as well as methods of MLA documentation will be covered during the early weeks of the semester. Academic Advising FIC provides academic advising to all students, free of charge. FIC runs study skills tutorials and peer review to help students become more effective writers, from planning and organizing a paper, to writing and proofreading it. These tutorials and reviews are a valuable resource for any student, and you are encouraged to attend these sessions. Scheduling for academic advice and weekly peer tutoring will be posted on the FIC student portal during the first two weeks of the semester. Class Schedule (subject to change) Week One: Tues, May 6/ Thurs, May 8 Course Introduction Read: Begin Jade Peony Read: Method For, Chapt.1 Week Two: Tues, May 13/ Thurs, May 15 Read: Continue Jade Peony Read: Method For Writing, Chapt. 2 Week Three: Tues, May 20/ Thurs, May 22 Read: Complete Jade Peony Read: Begin The Narrative (Douglas) Read: Method For Writing, Chapt. 3 (pp. 27-33 and 40-43) Sample Essay #1 (p.98-100) Week Four: Tues, May 27/ Thurs, May 29 Read: Continue The Narrative Read: Method For Writing, Chapt. 4 Sample Essay #2 (pp.106.109) Week Five: Tues, June 3/ Thurs, June 5 Read: Complete The Narrative Week Six: Tues, June 10 / Thurs, June 12 Read: Begin I Am Malala Plan for Literary Analysis Essay due Week Seven: Tues, June 17 Thurs, June 19 Read: Continue I Am Malala Mid-Term Exam Week Eight: Tues, June 24/ Thurs, June 26 Read: Complete I Am Malala First draft of Literary Analysis Essay due Week Nine: Tues, July 1 / Thurs, July 3 Read: Begin Of Mice Week Ten: Tues, July 8/ Thurs, July 10 Read: Complete Of Mice Week Eleven: Tues, July 15/ Thurs, July 17 Read: Things Fall Apart Week Twelve: Tues, July 22/ Thurs, July 24 Read: Continue Things Fall Apart Revised draft of Literary Analysis Essay due Week Thirteen: Tues, July 29 /Thurs, July 31 Read: Complete Things Fall Apart Course Review Final Exam (date TBA)

Riwt 1

RIWT1 Crystal Jorgensen Task 1 03/19/2013 SID:000187304 Lets take a journey. A journey back to a time and a place that is unknown to us without the history and expression of Literature and Art. These moments are the expression of color, the fine detail, the heroics, and the stories that bring us to our current and most knowledgeable time in literature and the arts. Neoclassicism and Romanticism are two very important time periods in the literary movements in English literature that helped shape our way of life today.Although these time periods are recognized as very opposite they share many similarities and we continue to learn and grow from them. Lets go back†¦ To a new era, widespread and influential for paintings and the other visual arts, a reaction against the sensuous and frivolously decorative Rococo style that dominated European art from the 1720s on. Beginning in the 1760s, Neoclassicism arose, reached its height in the 1780s and ‘90s during the French Revolution and lasted until about the 1850s.Neoclassicism was impacted by the exploration and excavation of the buried Roman cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii; the excavations of which began in 1738 and 1748, respectively. It was because of these â€Å"new† discoveries that people wanted to revive the past and took interest in the classical forms and ideas that started the neoclassical era. It was the combination of new and â€Å"classical† that made artist want to convey a serious moral such as justice, honor, and patriotism. Ideally, this style portrays an array of knowledge so vast that it leads to enlightenment.The Neoclassical style sees nature is defined as human nature and that society is more important than the individual. In summary, Neoclassicism focused on Greek and Roman history and was inspired by Classical Rome, patriotism, courage, and honor. The best-known painter of the time was J. L. David who painted â€Å"Napoleon Crossing the Saint Bernard,† just one o f many amazing paintings in that time. The technique used in this era is a stressed drawing with lines, not color; no brush strokes. The tone set is calm and rational but at the same time play the role to provide inspiration and be morally uplifting.Neoclassical artist value order and solemnity and it can be seen throughout their paintings. Inspired by the classics, touched by a revolution, and enforced order we have the â€Å"new† classics. Neoclassicism. Now lets get into the hippie era of the 18th century†¦of free love, peace, and saving the trees. No not really. Romanticism was much more than that it depicted a much deeper heightened since of feeling and euphoria. If it made you feel good and happy you would focus on that and that’s all that mattered. But that is still not all; romanticism was a time for passion, any kind of passion whether it was good or bad.Inspired by the medieval, baroque eras, and the middle and Far East regions of the world. Romanticism started in the late 18th century and continued into the mid 19th century. The characteristics that follow the romantic era is one of a deepened appreciation of the beauty for nature; and exaltation of emotion over reason and intellect; a heightened sense of human personality, moods, and mental potentialities. The romantics were very occupied with the exceptional figures, such as the hero or genius and focused on their inner passions and struggles.A couple of the best known artist of the time were Eugene Delacroix and Theodore Gericault, the artists were viewed as a supreme individual creators, their creative spirit was more important than strict rules or traditional procedures; the emphasis on imagination was a gateway to experience spiritual truth. With national and ethnic origins there was an obsessive interest in folk culture and the medieval era, which triggered a special liking for the exotic, mysterious, weird, the remote, the monstrous, diseased, and the satanic.The role of t he art was dramatic it was to carry the viewer away with its unrestrained, rich color, and visible brush strokes. Neoclassicism and Romanticism are in fact to very different eras. While to neoclassical era wanted to re-invent the classics, the romantic era wanted to expressive in every form not holding back restraint on the mere idea of being bound by the old classic rules. But this doesn’t stop them from having similarities either. They both were on a spiritual mission; the art itself wants to portray knowledge and enlightenment for neoclassicism and romanticism wants you to experience spiritual truth.Although these eras are on very opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to the arts they both wanted to find a new spirit of the time, to change it for the better. Like J. L David’s painting â€Å"Napoleon Crossing the Saint Bernard† is very lifelike and perfect not being able to see the brush strokes but making the feeling of nobility, strength, and honor ver y present in his work. This particular piece is a perfect example of the time being right after the revolution.Eugene Delacroix’s painting â€Å"Liberty leading the people† This is such and amazing piece of art as well and although you can see more brush strokes it is also such a great example of the time. Delacroix is able to put so much detail and really paint the emotion of freedom and leadership. Both these painting depict a transformation, a want for change. The interesting thing is in those brush strokes, neoclassicism believed they needed to have that perfectionism it showed order, restraint, and rationalism; whereas, romanticism felt that the brush strokes needed to be seen so as to show emotion, passion, and life.Both of these eras were very influenced by different eras like with neoclassical they wanted so desperately to get out of the Rococo style; is was the Age of Enlightenment; and it was right after the revolution. Neoclassical was very impressed and ins pired by the classical era and made something old, new again. Romanticism was influenced by neoclassicism it was inspired as a revolt against social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and was partly a reaction from the industrial revolution.Although, these eras seemed to influence each other in ways a teenager would want to try to change the rules at home. These eras very much influence our history, knowledge, learning, and inspiration today. Works Cited http://www. britannica. com/EBchecked/topic/508675/Romanticism http://www. buzzle. com/articles/romanticism-characteristics-of-romanticism. html http://www. buzzle. com/articles/difference-between-romanticism-and-neoclassicism. html http://lilt. ilstu. edu/jhreid/neoclassicism. htm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Romanticism

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Marketing journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Marketing journal - Essay Example Normally surveys are conducted demographically to determine various segments of buyers according to age, sex, education, location and other factors. However this kind of division fails to highlight the motivation of the consumer and often marketing based on such results is disappointing. A good method of measuring this has been devised by SRIC-BI who has conducted psychological survey of thousands of consumers from every walk of life during 1987-92. They call it VALS. This survey attempts to analyze the inherent instincts or psychological traits of the consumer that have developed over his/her experiences and knowledge and have become the drivers of purchase decisions. This has provided an insight about why we buy. I undertook this seemingly incongruous survey that seemed simple and somewhat inconsequential. However the results highlighted my attitude and aptitude and I must admit that it was able to capture the essence of my personality. The survey categorized me into the segment called Thinkers. Under VALS terminology the three segmentations of consumers are determined by their motivation. These are Innovators, Thinkers and Survivors. The descriptions are indicative of their capabilities; the innovators are daring and will be easily induced to trying new products and experimenting with the unknown; the thinkers are conservatives but willing to try new products within the existing parameters of their attitudes and aptitudes; while the survivors are those who are practical and will make decisions only according to their means. Recently I decided to buy a laptop for use in my consulting profession. My requirements were that the product had to be easily portable, that would not fail at a critical moment, should be reasonably priced and, since it was a high-tech gadget, good and prompt after sales service should be available whenever and wherever needed.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How does Learning and Employee Development Contribute to Research Paper - 2

How does Learning and Employee Development Contribute to Organisational Success and Performance Within Social Care Services - Research Paper Example The most essential component of a learning and development plan as per the respondents’ view are the skills and second most essential learning component required to enhance service delivery quality according to the respondents is that of knowledge. These findings are very positive and reflect a developmental, growth-oriented attitude. Trained staff is more competent and can perform better than untrained staff. To attain training there must be motivation among the members and they must be interested in learning and developing in order to benefit from the training programs offered to them. The research study has revealed that all the respondents realize the importance of learning and development training programs and are willing to learn and grow for the betterment of their selves and organization in turn. Garavanfurther suggested that a strategically integrated model of Human Resource Development would ensure that the concepts of training, development, education, and learning and backed up and embedded in strategic plans, operational plans, policies, and work practice. The findings reveal that the respondents are well informed about the importance of all these components of training and therefore it can be safely said that such a plan as suggested by Garavan can be very feasible for an organization like Loretto Care where chances of its acceptance at the managerial level appear to be quite high.

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Right to Water as a Human Right Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Right to Water as a Human Right - Essay Example The question of this essay is â€Å"Should the right to clean water be considered a universal human right? I will discuss on the traditions that provide access to water, pollution of water, as well as the issue of privatization of water. This essay is divided into three sections. The first section addresses the issue of key definitions that relate to the human right to water. In this section, I will also look at the impacts that denial to the right to water can cause as well as the advantages that could arise if water was made an international human right. The second sessions will focus on why I think that making the right to accessibility of safe water a human right would reduce several challenges facing different societies as well as different regions of the world. The third and last section will make a conclusion on the issue of water right as a human right (Hu, 2006). Water is a very crucial necessity for both human as well as other living organisms. The right to water is an iss ue that has being under discussion for a long time. The primary argument is on whether making the right to access safe water a human right would resolve the extreme water scarcity experienced by people in some regions of the world especially in the Middle East and North Africa particularly the Sahara region. A human right is a law that demands for equal allocation of the resources that are considered crucial for human existence. Water right is thus a water law that insists on suitable distribution of water to ensure that all people irrespective of their social, economic, or political status access safe, adequate, and affordable water (Hodgson, 2006). I will discuss several water rights. The rights include the riparian water rights, use-based water rights, as well as water rights on basis of water bodies’ tenure. Riparian right is water rights based on property ownership. Use- based water rights allots the water rights on the bases of laws of torts that demand that access to w ater on hierarchical foundation thus all people do not have equal rights to water. The other water right is based on ownership of water bodies for example in Finland where water bodies are privately owned. However, in Finland flowing water bodies cannot be owned privately which is similar to the Roman Water Law. Inability to access sufficient and clean water in some regions of the world can lead to poor people being deprived of water, even drinking water (Hu, 2006; (Scanlon, Cassar, & Nemes, 2004) Traditional Views on the Right to Water Right through history, different societies strive to make the right to access safe water a human right. Traditionally, the right of water was closely related to land ownership. The roman water law conferred the right to water based on the advantage of owning land near water resources. However, the Roman law was against private possession of running water, an aspect that was present in the European legal traditions. In 533-34 AD, the Institute of Just inian publications posited that water alongside air and wildlife was among the things that could not be owned privately by and individual (Bruns, Ringler, & Meinzen-Dick, 2005). River and water were public properties and only the government had the right to prohibit any person or group of persons from accessing the resource. However, seasonal water sources were considered privately owned by those owning